2009年6月19日 星期五


  • 本週獨立測試個數:SAT-5pts;WCST-4 pts;PDT-3 pts。
  • KEY-IN資料:完成51份。
  • 修改summary:done
  • 閱讀文獻:Read paper:Practice effect and test-retest reliability of attentional and executive tests in middle-aged to elderly subjects. 理解程度:80%。
  • 篩選標準(screening criteria):撰寫在部落格,仍可再修改。
  • 各醫院空間情況:撰寫在部落格。

3 則留言:

  1. Your blog can be improved as follows:
    1. the contents can be described more specifically. e.g what's the task of entering the data? What's "修改 summry: done"? Have you made further revisions after my last suggestions?

    2. all the tags can be documented simultanesously.

  2. "篩選標準(screening criteria):撰寫在部落格,仍可再修改。"
    Please specify where it is.

    Please specify where it is.

    It won't take much time to add these info. But it will save lots of my time.

  3. Please also write down your problems of reading articles.
