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reading list (略讀過)
09/2/24-Baum CM, Connor LT, Morrison T, Hahn M, Dromerick AW, Edwards DF. Reliability, validity, and clinical utility of the executive function performance test: A measure of executive function in a sample of people with stroke.
09/2/24-Bennett PC, Ong B, Ponsford J. Assessment of executive dysfunction following traumatic brain injury: Comparison of the bads with other clinical neuropsychological measures.
09/2/24-Kounti F, Tsolaki M, Kiosseoglou G. Functional cognitive assessment scale (fucas): A new scale to assess executive cognitive function in daily life activities in patients with dementia and mild cognitive impairment.
Results should be accompy with data.
回覆刪除Interpre the data at Discussion section.