- 本週各工具評估個數:WCST*4、CASI*1、FDT*2
- 紀邦neglect 指導語閱過並修改:5/21 done.
- 與蕙君釐清評估問題:5/21 done
- Sumarry再次修改: 5/22 done
- 電腦版記憶力測驗圖片:目前蒐集101張;持續蒐集並分類之。
- Test the modified Computer version of WCST 、FDT and CASI in 萬芳 hospital.
- Summarize the principle、administration of all tests (WCST、CASI):about 2 pages.
- Discuss with 林昭 how to combine FDT with WCST to administrate on stroke hospitalizes patients.
- Collect symbolic pics of the computer version of Memory Test.
- Read papers:Practice effect and test-retest reliability of attentional and executive tests in middle-aged to elderly subjects.
- Revise Summary